A Behind the Scenes Look at the Smart and Simple Social Studies Guided Curriculum

By Kirsten Hammond

Selecting a social studies curriculum is often stressful and overwhelming. It is a massive decision that will have a significant impact on students. It can even make going to work an enjoyable experience or a painful process where each day takes forever to end.

Thankfully, taking a behind the scenes look at the Smart and Simple Social Studies Guided Curriculum will take those worries away! The 3rd Grade,  4th Grade, and 5th Grade Curriculum all create amazing and enjoyable learning experiences for everyone! 

What is the Smart and Simple Social Studies Guided Curriculum?

The Smart and Simple Social Studies Guided Curriculum is an all-in-one, 36-week program that is designed for 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade teachers, and is primarily aligned with the Texas TEKS standards. While ideal for Texas educators, it’s also flexible enough for upper elementary social studies teachers everywhere.

The curriculum is organized by units of study, but can also be purchased together as a bundle. So if you have a specific topic you know you need to teach, such as the American Revolution or Map and Globe Skills, you can purchase that specific unit without having to commit to buying the whole enchilada!

What social studies topics are covered in the Third Grade Communities Guided Curriculum?

The 3rd-grade curriculum focuses on exploring communities past and present. 

Covered topics in the social studies guided curriculum include geography, economics, government, citizenship, and cultural celebrations.

Students will focus on map and globe skills, historical documents, community characteristics, and the impact of science and technology.

On top of this, students will study influential individuals and events that have shaped communities. This will occur through creative lessons and activities.

What social studies topics are covered in the Fourth Grade Texas History Guided Curriculum?

Fourth grade dives deep into the rich history of Texas.

Topics covered in the social studies guided curriculum include Indigenous groups, the Texas Revolution, the Civil War and Reconstruction, economic booms, and cultural contributions.

Students will focus on Texas’s geography, early settlements, the Republic of Texas, annexation, and 20th-century history.

Additionally, students will work on research projects and hands-on activities to deepen their understanding of Texas history.

What social studies topics are covered in the Fifth Grade U.S. History Guided Curriculum?

The 5th-grade social studies guided curriculum provides a structured framework for key events in U.S. history.

Covered topics in the social studies guided curriculum include the American Revolution, westward expansion, Civil War, Civil Rights Movement, and economics.

Students will focus on the geography of the United States, colonization, the Constitution, urbanization, and immigration.

Students will be highly engaged as they participate in discussions, practice activities, and projects that foster critical thinking and historical analysis.

What are the main features of the Smart and Simple Social Studies Guided Curriculum?

No matter the grade level, all social studies guided curriculum includes some unique, consistent, and easy-to-implement components designed for both teachers and students.

Lesson Slideshows

There are ready-to-use slideshows with student-friendly language and highlighted keywords for note-taking. They are available in Google Slides or PowerPoint formats for flexibility.

Guided Notes

You’ll find fill-in-the-blank and highlighted versions of guided notes tailored to different learning needs. These are easy to store in notebooks, binders, or folders for student reference.

Practice Activities

The practice activities are tailored to each lesson and are perfect for small groups, independent work, or homework.

Exit Tickets

You’ll find quick formative assessments with multiple-choice and short-answer options to gauge understanding.

Review Games

Included with each unit are editable review games for whole-group or independent play, making assessments interactive and fun.

Unit Projects and Assessments

The creative projects have rubrics for easy grading. The assessments include vocabulary matching, multiple-choice questions, and short-answer prompts.

Teacher Resources

Each lesson has pacing guides, scope and sequences, and scripted teacher guides. Additionally, there are digital access pages for seamless integration with platforms like Google Classroom, Schoology, or Canvas.

Exciting News: New Curricula Coming Soon!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m working on expand the Smart and Simple Social Studies product line! Very soon, you’ll see a 6th-grade guided curriculum for World Cultures and Contemporary Societies, followed by a 2nd grade social studies guided curriculum. These will be available as growing bundles, with the lowest price during early releases.

What are teachers saying about the Smart and Simple Social Studies Guided Curriculum?

Here are just a few reviews from teachers who have used the guided curricula:

Alexandra (3rd Grade Communities):

“Thank you! We were struggling to fit social studies into our day until we found this curriculum. The slideshows and fill-in-the-blank notes keep students engaged, and the assessments make grading a breeze.”

Janelle (4th Grade Texas History):

“As a new teacher in Texas, this resource saved me so much time and research. My students love the lessons, and I love how easy it is to prepare.”

Michelle (5th Grade U.S. History):

“Homeschooling my 5th grader has never been easier. This curriculum is comprehensive, engaging, and has made social studies his favorite subject.”

Are there any special discounts for the Smart and Simple Social Studies Guided Curriculum?

The 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade guided curriculum bundles are currently 20% off their regular price. You can purchase the curriculum directly on my website or on Teachers Pay Teachers. During TPT sales, you can snag them for an even deeper discount. Individual units are also available, allowing you to pick and choose based on your district’s pacing guide.

Hopefully this behind the scenes look at the Smart and Simple Social Studies Guided Curriculum shows how life-changing it is! Teachers can take care of planning at school while having amazing lessons for students! 

kirsten hammond

Kirsten is a former 3rd and 5th grade teacher who loves helping upper elementary teachers by creating resources and sharing ideas that are engaging, research-based, and TEKS-aligned. She is a work-from-home mama of 3 rambunctious little ones and loves running, true crime, and lots of coffee.

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