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Social Studies US History Worksheets & Daily Passages for Reading Comprehension

If you’re a teacher of 3rd-5th grade students and need social studies worksheets that require minimal prep, look no further! These US History activities are specifically designed for upper elementary students and are the perfect social studies reading comprehension passages to use in your classroom!


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# of Pages: 127
File Type: ZIP, PDF, Google Apps


If you’re a teacher of 3rd-5th grade students and need social studies worksheets that require minimal prep, look no further! These US History activities are specifically designed for upper elementary students and are the perfect social studies reading comprehension passages to use in your classroom!

Your students will love learning about and reviewing social studies with this engaging US and Texas History resource!

What does this product include? 

This US History social studies reading comprehension resource consists of the following components:

⭐️ 16 Topics – The social studies worksheets cover a wide range of topics, with multiple options to choose from.

⭐️ 64 Passages – There are 4 social studies reading comprehension passages per topic in the US history resource (with a total of 64 passages) with 3 multiple-choice questions accompanying each passage. The passages are written for 3rd-5th grade students.

⭐️ 16 Quizzes for Each Topic: A cumulative multiple-choice quiz is included with each US history topic to test overall understanding.

⭐️ Unit Pacing Guides – A TEKS Unit Pacing Guide is included for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. This best aligns with TEKS Social Studies standards (adopted 2024). However, any topic can be used in any order to best meet the needs of your students and state standards!

⭐ ️Glossary of Key Vocabulary Words – Included with each weekly topic is a glossary with key vocabulary words to know for the week. This can be a great study guide or helpful tool for students to keep in social studies notebooks or binders!

⭐️ Digital Versions –  Each topic has a digital version – Google Slides for the daily social studies activities and Google Forms for the weekly quiz. This is great for distance learning or to assign make-up work for students.

⭐️ Answer Keys –  An answer key is included for the daily social studies worksheets and quizzes for easy grading. This is perfect to help make the activities self-checking and easy for subs!



What types of topics are included in this resource?

The social studies US history activities consist of 16 topics that can be used that best align to your social studies curriculum in any state:

  • Individuals in Communities
  • Individuals in Texas History
  • Individuals in U.S. History
  • Indigenous Communities
  • Needs of a Community
  • Timelines and Events
  • Forming a New Nation
  • Westward Expansion
  • Texas History
  • Missions and Presidios in Texas
  • Major Events of the Texas Revolution
  • Causes and Effects of the Civil War
  • Major Events of the Civil War
  • Texas in the Late 19th Century
  • Major Events in the 20th Century
  • Texas Contributions in the 20th Century

What makes these social studies worksheets Smart and Simple?

✅ The social studies reading comprehension passages are bite-sized and can easily be implemented within an ELA block or other daily schedule.


✅ The social studies worksheets are TEKS-aligned (for Texas) but are still flexible enough to use in any order and in conjunction with any state curriculum.


✅ These daily social studies activities can be implemented in conjunction with a lesson during morning work or daily warm up, small groups, stations and more. It can also be directly taught and reviewed with students in a short span of time.

Learn more about incorporating social studies in the upper elementary classroom by reading this blog post!

© Kirsten Hammond – The Southern Teach

All rights reserved. Purchase of this unit entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce the pages in limited quantities for single classroom use only.  Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system or commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without written permission from the publisher. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA). Clipart and elements found in this file are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license.

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  • Use this item for personal/student use in a single classroom.
  • Purchase licenses at a big discount for colleagues and others to use this resource.
  • Enjoy this product for years to come (check back for updated versions). 

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  • Give this item to your friends or colleagues.
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Social Studies US History Worksheets & Daily Passages for Reading Comprehension