7 Chapter Book Series to Add to Your Classroom Libraries

By Kirsten Hammond

Are you looking for some new or popular chapter book series for your 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders? I have a few recommendations that I would love to share with you!

These series have been a hit in my classroom library and my students have loved them. They were frequently checked out novels throughout the years. I’m giving you a list of popular series that my students love and you can easily purchase them on a variety of platforms.

I have links to Scholastic Book Club but they can be also found on Amazon. I can’t wait to share with you these really cool trending books and chapter book series for upper elementary!

1. Who Would Win?

In each book, two animals go head to head to determine which animal would win in a deadly fight. Students learn interesting facts and characteristics in each animal.

This is a great book to highlight compare and contrast for informational text! 

Click here to learn more about the Who Would Win series!

Who Would Win Chapter Book

2. I Survived

I Survived is a historical fiction chapter book series. Even though the characters are not real, they go through very real events that have happened throughout history.

There are traditional chapter books and graphic novels for students to read. This is a great student-friendly way to cover well-known and not-so well-known events such as Hurricane Katrina, the American Revolution, and the Children’s Blizzard. 

Click here to learn more about the I Survived Series!

i survived books

3. The Babysitter’s Club 

I LOVED reading the Babysitter’s Club growing up, so imagine my surprise when I saw graphic novel versions of the very same books I enjoyed reading!

These graphic novels showcase the same characters and plots with a modern twist. Your students will love reading about their adventures! 

Click here to learn about The Babysitter’s Club Graphic Novel series!

babysitters club books

4. Diary of a Wimpy Kid

These books frequently made the list of our Sweet 16 books during our March Madness Tournaments!

It’s fun, witty, and has encouraged some of my reluctant readers to actually enjoy independent reading time! 

Click here to learn about Diary of a Wimpy Kid series!

diary of a wimpy kid books

5.Wings of Fire 

These graphic novels were loved by my advanced readers who enjoyed fantasy fiction. When I first inherited these books from another teacher, I wasn’t sure if my 5th graders would like them. Turns out, I was wrong – my students loved these!

It has a great plot about dragon tribes of Pyrrhia at war.

 Click here to learn about the Wings of Fire series!

wings of fire books

6. Who Was

If your students are interested in learning about the lives of people, this is a must-have in your classroom library!

Who Was has a wide variety of famous people, and there are expanded versions such as the “Where is” and “What is” series. This is a great read for your students who love biographies and non-fiction! 

Click here to learn about the Who Was series!

who was books

7. National Geographic Readers

I love these non-fiction books because they have text and visuals that make it easy to read for all levels of learners!

These were frequently selected from the bookshelves! These readers come in a wide range of informational text topics.

These also pair well if you conduct research and inquiry projects during the year! 

Click here to learn about National Geographic Readers!

national geo kids books

How to Order a Chapter Book Series Through Scholastic Book Club

All of these chapter books are perfect for upper elementary and something I highly consider that you add to your classroom library!

I love utilizing Scholastic Book Club because it’s free to set up an account and a great way to encourage students (and parents) to donate books to your classroom library!

You can also earn points when you or your students purchase books. 

Let me know which chapter books you and your students love!

If you’re looking for ideas on book projects, I have some tips and helpful suggestions that are engaging for students and incorporate student choice!

kirsten hammond

Kirsten is a former 3rd and 5th grade teacher who loves helping upper elementary teachers by creating resources and sharing ideas that are engaging, research-based, and TEKS-aligned. She is a work-from-home mama of 3 rambunctious little ones and loves running, true crime, and lots of coffee.

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